When concussion happens, what can we do besides to be caught up in the rupture of reality?
The show includes a body of image-based works related to the experiences of the daily situations in disruption. I intend to express the incomprehensible connections among the layered realities of living related to our feelings and imaginations.
The works are attempts to stretch the possibility of images by exploring the materiality of the medium and intermedia possibilities. The works are developed through experimental exercises to investigate the relationship of movement and time in images, light and space.
Butterflies on the Wheel and Starry Night began with videography and developed to become intermedia works in different forms. Butterflies on the Wheel is about the shattered, moving images are broken-down into frames, then projected and reflected to unfold fragments of flesh and blood. Starry Night is the remains of the glorious nights from the past, when hyper motion is frozen in frames, faint blinks in black and white are left.
Mirage and Floating Bed are created from single images and progressed in their unique trajectories. Mirage is an illusion that forms a tunnel from an image, and leads a never-ending path. The Floating Bed controlled by involuntary movements, is unable to balance its window with a view of the ocean.
The only image-less work The Longest Night transforms the rhythm of darkness by stretching, cropping and repeating the sound of late-night live broadcasts.
The Ashes of Tomorrow invites audience to immerse in the overlapping present and past among and beyond the imagery. The exhibition is an experiential journey orchestrated with the vibrations and stillness from within.
A Hong Kong International Photo Festival Satellite Exhibition
Exhibition Partner: Lumenvisum
Support: Pointsman Art Creation
展期 Exhibition Period:26/03 – 10/05/2020
時間 Time:11am-1pm, 2pm-6pm
(星期一及公眾假期休息 Closed on Mon & Public Holidays)
地點 Venue:光影作坊|九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L2-02
Lumenvisum | L2-02 JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong